Who can be on my membership?
Everyone in your household but we also allow grandparents so be sure you include them on your membership form.
Can I bring a guest?
Yes. Our guest fee is $6 per person or $20 a family but your guest is limited on how many times they can come in a summer. If they’re going to come quite a bit they need to get their own membership.
Are out of town guests still free?
Of course! However your guests must be from outside Wichita County and be staying with you in your house.
Can I bring in my own food and drinks?
Yep! But in case you forget something we have a fully stocked snack bar with lots of yummy things at very reasonable prices.
When can I use the grill?
Any time you want, just bring your own charcoal and utensils. We have some you can borrow but we ask that you clean them when you’re done.
What is Rest Period?
Rest Period is the last 10 minutes of every hour up until 6:00 and is a time for people over 15 years old to be in the pool without kids. It’s also a great time for kids to grab some water, eat a snack and re-apply sunscreen.
Who owns Fain Pool?
YOU! When you purchase a membership for the summer you become an owner for the summer. This means you have the opportunity to join our board, have input and volunteer your time to make Fain Pool the best it’s ever been.
How do I book a party?
All parties must either be hosted by a current member or sponsored by a current member that must be in attendance.
How much are parties?
During regular hours it’s $100 to reserve the large hut and this includes 15 swimmers. Outside of our open hours it’s $200 for up to 25 swimmers for 2 hours and $6 for each additional person, $75 fee for additional hours. $50 is due when you book the party and $150 at the conclusion of the party. For large parties over 50 swimmers it’s $50 reservation fee and then $6 for each swimmer. Remember you must be a member or you must be sponsored by a member who must attend.
Can I bring in my own chair to feel more comfortable?
Of course! Pop up tents are welcome, too!
How can I help with Family Nights?
We would love help with buying condiments, veggies, and charcoal. Sign up here.